
We believe in journalism

We believe in the value of journalism, and recognize that quality content is worth paying for. So we build tools that help journalists and content creators around the world monetize their digital content and better engage with their customers.


Paywall Pioneers

One of the first solutions

Years ago, we watched as the newspaper industry struggled to embrace the new and evolving internet-age. We witnessed newspapers crumble as they rushed to make their content freely available online, and then fail miserably to recoup costs with online advertising. It quickly became clear that newspapers would need to find ways to generate revenue beyond advertising. The answer was obvious to us, but strangely controversial at the time. Newspapers would need to sell subscriptions for their online content like they did for their physical papers. So, we got to work in bringing the subscription economy online, and thus began our journey as early paywall pioneers.


We've seen what works

For more than a decade, we have worked intimately with newspapers, magazines, and blogs from around the world to hone in on the most effective paywall strategies. We’ve gained broad insights from our years of working with paywall clients in a wide range of varying niche markets. We’ve learned the best practices, best price points, and proven strategies for optimizing online subscriptions and revenues, as well as the pitfalls and mistakes to avoid.

Who we've worked with

We build tools that help clients monetize their content.

Our Software

We’ve harnessed these years of expertise by developing Pigeon, a suite of cloud-based solutions to help companies better monetize their digital content, manage their subscribers, and understand their customer's engagement with their site.

Pigeon Paywall

The Secure, Easy Way to Offer Paid Access to Premium Content

Pigeon is our powerful paywall plugin and subscription manager that works with your existing website and integrates with your current Content Management System. Pigeon is super flexible, allowing you to offer paid access to your premium content using a wide variety of paywall models. It provides your customers with a simple, beautifully designed interface for managing their personal account settings, and provides you with an intuitive administrative portal to manage subscribers, view reports, and communicate with your audience.

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Pigeon Archive

Preserving Your Paper's History

The mission of Pigeon Archive is to preserve your paper's history and make it available online while giving you the tools necessary to monetize your archive's public access. It’s a perfect merger of print history and the digital future.

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